This year, 43 full french charolais calves returned in the resort on September 25th, 2018.
These calves will be present in the resort until the date of the sale or:
February 8th, 2019
The definitive catalogs with all the indicators (weighings, index, checking) will be available in the beginning of February, 2019
On-the-spot possible visits. Please call us before coming at the resort.
– September 25: Weighing of entry noted PE mesured the day of the arrival to the resort
– October 25 & 26: Double Weighing of the beginning of control noted PD
(This weighing takes place at the end of the phase of adaptation. It is the beginning of the evaluating time)
– November 22: first weighing noted P1 during evaluation time.
– December 20 : second weighing noted P2
– January 17 & 18 : Double weighing noted PF. It takes place at the end of the evaluation time it means after 84 days.
The filiation must be controlled and confirmed.
The checking of animals during their stay in the resort will take place on January 10th.
The result of indexation for the proposed bulls at the sale will be known on January 23th
On-the-spot Meeting on January 23th, it is it which selects bulls selected for the sale.
The qualifications will be available from February 1st.