Promote, improve the quality of Charolais herd offering at an auction in the range of the best players from our farms .
A wide choice of full french charolais bulls with qualities :
genetic based on their own performance (measured in farm during their first period at the station) , as well as their ascendants and collaterals .
Conformation plumbs (sorting in a business combination selected by a professional jury calves)
growth (selected calves are all called to integrate the station about 6 months before the sale is in September. During this period, they are kept in strictly identical conditions.)
easy calving (selected calves should not be born by caesarean section (except calves from embryo transfer ) and weighing less than 65kgs birth.)
The day of sale for each product offered for sale player, you have all the necessary indicators to choose your bull.
Protocol identification and selection of charolais calves that will be part of the program
A list of matching calves with criteria defined by the Federation of stations is addressed to the GIE . But a breeder can send an unsolicited product to the GIE for one of his best calves.
Among the selection criteria , it is essential for calves retained:
they are registered in the Herd Book Charolais ,
that parents are themselves registered
the breeder adheres to performance monitoring ,
that the ancestors have very good index ( index of IVMAT synthesis of the mother must be greater than or equal to 98 and the father must be qualified UPRA )
not being born from cesarean (except for calves from embryo transfer ) .
Different selection committees spend on farms to select the top 45 calves among those proposed , which integrate . Each animal is judged on the following points:
level of growth in farm
conformation of the animal,
Plumbs .
For several months, the calves will be treated equally with the main objective to erase the breeding’s effect in order to measure, compare the own potential of the bull.
The first day after arriving the station, each calf is weighed and then 2 lots of at least 15 animals are created depending on the age. Indeed, the age difference in a lot shall not exceed 42 days.
Inside batches, the animals are placed in groups of 8 maximum in boxes. Groups are formed from the input weight.
Thus each animal belongs to a batch first and then a box for the duration of the assessment protocol.
NB: before the day back at the station, all the administrative sanitary and health controls are performed.
The objective of this phase is to put all the animals on the same level by eliminating the middle effect. Thus, during the first month was a target of relatively slow growth (1000 g / day) since the purpose of this phase is to erase up different breeding lines for each animal prior to arrival at the resort.
Aged 8 months to the entrance to the station, they are all placed in the same conditions (same food, same goal ration in the same building) and you will see their growth potential is fully expressed from the evaluation phase.
A double weighing (denoted PD) at the end of this phase of adaptation.
During this phase ADG ( Average Daily Gain, GMQ in french ) goal is 1400 g / day !
For each animal to be on an equal footing , the ration is distributed individually …
Every month, the animals were weighed and the diet group each individual is reviewed after weighing.
At the end of the evaluation period, each animal is seen and pointed to by the same pair for 8 stations (1 pointer Charolais Herd Book and 1 pointer Livestock Institute .
Genetic value indices are calculated for potential growth , muscle development , skeletal development, facilitating birth and breed qualities .
An index of synthesis noted IMOCRste (Index morphology growth assessment station) is also published based on CR ste , DMste , DSste and IFNAIS index. For a given animal, the values of these indices also take into account what is known about the ancestry information ( IBOVAL index parents) related (brothers, half brothers ) evaluated station in previous years.
A comprehensive genetic evaluation of each player available so late in the course.
It is more reliable and reassuring to compare the possibilities offered by each to the extent that they not only suffered the same culture conditions but they were pointing the same day by the same technician . Comparing the index takes them in this context its meaning.
UPRA based on the result of the indexing and their compliance with the standard racial qualifies or not the best REPRODUCTIVE YOUNG RECOMMENDS RJR ..
For 2 weeks, each charolais bull is subjected to a semen analysis and various health tests. So buyer is fully secure its acquisition and the ability of the bull to fulfill its role at the time of sale.
The interest for you to choose your future bull breeding animals among our future, it is a guarantee for making the choice to buy your bull from our selection is:
full french charolais bull,
broodstock registered with the best origins,
high index on ancestors and parents,
conformation in response to the needs of professionals (buyers & breeders) they participate in the selection,
to compare these optimal breeding conditions
known performance, measured regularly during the entire growth phase in station,
a complete summary sheet for each proposed sale bull.